Women In Bloom

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What you seek is seeking you - A Jungian approach

I am a coach, and I love what I do. I am a unique type of coach. I am one of the lucky people that gets to see every day how other people make magic in their lives. I get to see how they shine and rise beyond the shadows of their past.

So, how do I bring about these profound changes in the lives of my clients? 

It starts with a vision, a clear understanding of the intricate patterns that shape their lives. I begin with the desired result, the one we extracted from the goal you shared with me, the one imprinted in your body, mind and soul and you forgot you had. I help you recognize it and see the patterns truly for what they are. I guide you in reconfiguring them and make them your allies.

I see the clues you subconsciously hold, the ones you already know, and follow them until we reach the land of your treasure. Then we explore. I never know exactly what we will find. These clues, often hidden in plain sight, guide us towards the heart of the treasure. That’s the beauty and never ending newness of the process. It’s like journeying through the pages of a book that’s being written in real-time. Your hidden gold treasure lies beneath layers and layers of dense past. You can’t see it anymore, not on your own at least. Thick walls are hiding it. Nobody knows what they hide beyond that until we get there. This inherent novelty keeps the journey fresh, vibrant, and ever-evolving for both the coach and the client. We make alchemical magic to recognize the debris, the heaviness, the loss, the lack, the wound, and clear the way. Sometimes it takes more time, sometimes it is overnight. Most of the time, it happens between sessions. That is why a timeline and a structure to keep things together is important. Astrology timings, tarot cards and other enchanting esoteric things can subtly support our endeavor.

I guide you through your transformative journey with unwavering support.. I ask the right questions; I give homework; I support dialogues, prepare guided visualizations, encourage creative expression, I follow up. Whether we’re scaling the mountain peaks of personal achievement or navigating the depths of challenges, we do so together, every step of the way, as a team. This experience isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, nor is it a predictable timeline. Instead, it’s a bespoke journey, tailored to each individual’s unique needs and circumstances. Sometimes it is fun or an absolute breakthrough. Sometimes, it is tiresome and sad. But all times it takes commitment and passion. And I have that. So what I offer is also unwavering dedication. 

It took me twenty years to realize where my magical power was hiding, and now that I found it it is my turn to pay it forward. There was a time when I felt like I was lost, but still searching for my dharma.

And then, I found it, and I felt genuine happiness when I began my Jungian coaching certification  —a deep-seated recognition that felt like reuniting with an old childhood friend after twenty years. And now I can recognized it anywhere, and also help others looking find it, and live theirs. 

What amazed me was how much of what I had done before was already aligned with this newfound / old purpose. This realization brought the privilege of helping other women find and embrace their own authentic purpose. This journey is a limitless source of transformation, and the wellspring is within. It helps to know the intent you bring, it is directly linked to your coaching to the outcomes you’ll achieve. And that, that you can never have without a limitless source. And the only limitless source is always the one within the Self. We are doing this kind of evolutionary work and be sure the intent you bring in your coaching it is equal to the outcome you will get.

So what is happening during a Jungian coaching session? I help you find your unique ways to work with your treasure. We’ll start by finding out which tools you need to dig it out in the first place, before tapping into that glorious potential. I'll help you create a new life that's fueled by your inner strength.

Sometimes, you might sense this dormant potential—a subtle stirring that reaches out through synchronicities, signs, and events. It’s the lingering whisper of a blurry night dream, the annoying question of whether there’s more to life than this, what meets the eye. Can you truly become the person you envision? Can you embrace a life that resonates with your deepest desires? How do I achieve balance and become a conscious co-creator of my desired reality? Do I even know what truly makes me happy? Is it possible to be surrounded by my kind of tribe and vibe people? Live fulfilling and authentic relationships? Give more to my community? Can I even do that from where I stand now?

Our goal in Jungian Coaching is to help you find your treasure and create a new vision for your life. We work with dreams, we search in the depth and rich world of your subconscious for your foundation rock, your gems of inner wisdom. We find our way back to your source. We spin fresh stories with the power of the archetypes; we imagine creative new avenues for the heroine’s journey. We face the shadow and create a new way to serve you, so you can bring your gifts to the world.. We restore your disowned and inaccessible aspects that weigh you down and trigger the same type of experiences and reactivity in our life, through active imagination and expansive emotional movement.

We are alchemically transmuting your weighing down experiences and rejected affect into the pure gold of your being, so you will have the privilege of seeing who you truly are and not just parts of it.

It’s a process that unveils the wholeness of your true self by bringing to the surface more of these:

Radical self expression

Follow your intuition and dreams

Bring more glimmers into your life

Deepening your spiritual connection 

Release emotional blocks

Practice self-care

Feel seen and worthy

Uncover true inner power

Gain clarity and focus 

Embody the dream You

Move from surviving to thriving.

If you are here and seeking answers, it also means intrinsically you already know you can be and have these in your life.

My approach to Jungian coaching is akin to guiding you through a labyrinth—a safe, magical path that leads you back to your center.  It is a steady walk with calibrated milestones.

This path can only lead to authentic awareness and life purpose. Seeing things and people for what they truly are is the first step to becoming free and empowering yourself. And that is priceless. The heroine’s journey is one all women embark upon. But as you walk it, remember to do so with the confidence that you’re paving the way for a better future, not just for you, but also for the generations to follow. We owe it to ourselves and our predecessors to acknowledge our power within before expecting recognition from others..

Women in Bloom* is about and for the women that are in dire need to explore new ways of living their truth and magic in this world. If you’ve felt the loss of your power, either taken or given away, and you’re unsure where to reclaim it, I invite you to book a free discovery call. Let me show you how you can begin living from a place of harmony and balance. As we tread this path, change unfolds. We attract rather than chase, co-create rather than struggle. Smooth clarity emerges, and the roadmap of your destination comes into focus. If we can handle extremes and contradictions without projecting them onto others, a powerful magic starts to occur.

Believe in a fulfilled life by committing to yourself and experiencing love and joy in your relationships, work, and community. Plant the seed and dare to bloom.

Isn’t it time?

*Discover coaching packages of 3-4-6 months, tailored for women seeking lasting transformation, to enrich and inspire their lives. Individual coaching sessions are also available upon request.