What you seek is seeking you - A Jungian approach
Cora Conovali Cora Conovali

What you seek is seeking you - A Jungian approach

So what is happening during a Jungian coaching session? I help you find your unique ways to work with your treasure. We’ll start by finding out which tools you need to dig it out in the first place, before tapping into that glorious potential. I'll help you create a new life that's fueled by your inner strength.

Sometimes, you might sense this dormant potential—a subtle stirring that reaches out through synchronicities, signs, and events. It’s the lingering whisper of a blurry night dream, the annoying question of whether there’s more to life than this, what meets the eye. Can you truly become the person you envision? Can you embrace a life that resonates with your deepest desires? How do I achieve balance and become a conscious co-creator of my desired reality? Do I even know what truly makes me happy? Is it possible to be surrounded by my kind of tribe and vibe people? Live fulfilling and authentic relationships? Give more to my community? Can I even do that from where I stand now?

Our goal in Jungian Coaching is to help you find your treasure and create a new vision for your life. We work with dreams, we search in the depth and rich world of your subconscious for your foundation rock, your gems of inner wisdom. We find our way back to your source. We spin fresh stories with the power of the archetypes; we imagine creative new avenues for the heroine’s journey. We face the shadow and create a new way to serve you, so you can bring your gifts to the world.. We restore your disowned and inaccessible aspects that weigh you down and trigger the same type of experiences and reactivity in our life, through active imagination and expansive emotional movement.

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